Sandman Debunked #1,156: The Real MGTOW

Let’s look at the question, and how Mr. Sandman answer him.

“Hi Sandman, There has been i discerning amount of MGTOW hate from MRA/MRM community about MGTOW. Yes there is a segment that is women hating MGTOWs, (and rightly so) but the majority of MGTOWs is not a women hating ideology. The MGTOW haters like to categorise MGTOW as same as Feminism. Specifically 3rd wave feminists hate all men and boys cult members. It seems that the MRA/MRM needs a refresher on what Real MGTOW is about because they seem to think we are just a “women Hating group of men” which from the start it has never been. On a side note I have 2 songs I’d like you to review!”

Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I’ll briefly review the songs toward the end of this video but now let me get on to discussing the real MGTOW versus the way the MRM and mainstream describes us.

Notice how papa sandman starts with a completely unrelated issued.

Followed by “how “media describes us.”

You know he always blame female, but let’s look at the laws these conservatives are purposing throughout western world.

Woman had to leave Mississippi to divorce husband

Laws like these forces women to file false charges against men which has given birth to divorce industry.

Why should anyone be force to live with someone they don’t feel like it?

If yo are not happy with someone you should not have to proof to a government they want to opt out of a relationship. How many children leave their parents after the age of 18, and no laws prevent these kids go on their own.

Yet the same traditionalist want us to have “marriage protection” laws which forced a unwanted party to live in a unhappy home.

There is an excellent series by RBK why men right will not succeed:

Men Right have obsession with feminism with like Captain Ahab and don’t care that law were created by their own picked politicians.

Here is quote from RBK. RBK is a mgtow who has contributed the best type of wok.

“The Men’s Rights Movement is fundamentally an anti-feminist movement who’s primary objective is to “defeat feminism”.

That’s it boys, nothing else they care for.

Guys stop sending money to this fool.

Sandman Debunked #1,155: Awakened While Married


Talk about full blown redundancy. Virtually all of his last three video deal of marriage subject.

  • Divorce Surgery
  • Dating is Dangerous
  • Blue Pill Friends

You gotta remember most of fool who pay him, let him choose the subject.

This means, he is getting obsessed with marriage.

Other subject — totally unrelated with MGTOW are movie about “Men Right” a detestable community most of us don’t care for. And some crazy black person wanting his people to have “African Names”.

Search for following topic in YouTube:

  • The Red Pill Movie
  • Black Names Matter

As for current video it’s pretty much rehash of everything else he has said about women.

Let’s look at the end of his video (which is pretty much a summary of his 11 minutes gibberish.

“It’s too late to turn himself into the sean connery version of James Bond putting women in their place if he does make himself more assertive and aggressive i believe that most women will fight back against this and they want to share the power that they have with a man that is suddenly found his manhood because of make towel my biggest tip to the married men listening to this is not to lose your mind to do something irrational that you might resent later you know that you didn’t marry in a nawalt (not all women are like that) you know she doesn’t exist and you know you want to go your own way but the cost of doing this are very high what’s the man’s supposed to do at this point you need to think you’ve been hard about your situation if I was back in the tail end of my tenure relationship again I probably would have come clean to my partner and explain clearly what I wanted from life and told her more clearly what I was actually going through my head instead I bolted for the door like a cheat up and didn’t care too much about her feelings because”
You get the idea. Marriage is a bad deal for a women, you are screwed when you have a family.
First off, we the mgtow don’t believe married men need to divorce their wife if their relationship is healthy.
If anything we don’t get involve into a family dispute per se.
However, if a men is in a horrible relationship. He should get a divorce, and live his life as a bachelor.
Our main mission is to boycott marriage.
We don’t blame women for present marriage crisis — although they are responsible for much of harm. Nonetheless it was traditionalist & conservatives who gave all the power to women to abuse men.
Why did they do that?
Some of them truly believe women ought to stay at home, give them favor like alimony — no dna test for paternity fraud would encourage women to live the lifestyle of 18th century society.
Also, this is allow women to breed more kids like old school “baby boomers” thereby stop the non-white immigration and keep the country predominately white.
But hey don’t expect papa sandman to understand any of these issues.
He is butt hurt that his brother is having kids, and by making videos about women divorcing men — he hops that his brother will divorce his wife. Thereby he has someone to relate himself too.

Sandman Debunked #1154: Divorce Surgery


Hi everyone, Today’s response is brought to you by P. T. Barnum followers.

A man going through divorce asked Sandman about causes of his divorce.

Let’s look at what wrote to Sandman:

“Hey Sandman, I’m 34 years of age and was married for 15 years but am now looking at single life.”

34 years old man married for 15 years.

34 – 15 = 19

What age do you have to be to get married?

The age of marriage in the United States is 18, with two exceptions—Nebraska (19) and Mississippi (21). Most states allow minors who are 16 or 17 to marry with parental and/or judicial consent and in a few states, the marriageable age for minors with parental consent is younger.

Minimum legal age marriage in moss state can be round to 17.

Since he did  not tell us about his wife age we can safely assume she is probably the same age as him.

Anyone getting married in their 20s can not finish collage, university, or even high school. This is due to the fact that they ended up having kids right after their got married.
Another reason of my assumption is because of following paragraph:

“Same story as everyone else, she got “unhappy” with everything, started the extraction process until nothing was left, and kicked me out. Although my marriage was a “common” one, filled with both good and bad, the years upon years of providing every last thing for her only lead to resentment. She gained weight, I worked more.”

Since he is married to a high maintenance girl (who turned into a fat woman) who likes to eat alot, and stay at home. He is doing all the work.

“She wanted a house, so I bought a BRAND NEW house, and worked more. She wanted cars and vacations and clothes and STUFF, she got it all, and I worked more.”

Unless, this man got a union job in construction, or truck driver. I don’t see how he was able to afford all the things he mention here.

How much money an average 17 years is able to make?

Max would be around $20,000 top.

Let’s assuming he was studying in college.

He still would not be able to make lots of money because he is limited jobs experience, and very few job references.

I am not suggesting Sandman made this story up, but you gotta ask how many guys in their 30s are capable of buying new house, two cars, and can still afford to feed two children + a woman who likes to eat alot!

“I shunned everything fun or enriching in my life for work, no friends or real hobbies. She was my life, and now that I’m of no more use, I have nothing except two wonderful kids, while she has everything from the house, a new car, half of my savings AND even though I have 50/50 time with my kids and still buy them everything they need, I have to pay crazy child support to her so she can go on dates constantly with many new men.”

I have seen the horror of divorce, and there are many victims. Buy hey if you gonna make up a story to parade around in Men Right at least get your fact right.

Among many issues his wife also decided to improve herself by going under the knife.

Along with her weight, she also discarded her personality hence the dissolution of their relationship.

As many would attest this can only result in break down of a relationship. Last months Dr. Robert Ashton, 52 committed sucide because his wife divorced him. Doctor wife is a very popular TV personality Dr. Jennifer Ashton.

But alas let’s not look at facts and statistics.


Honesty and divorce after bariatric surgery

METRO Surgeon jumps from bridge after divorce from TV personality wife

Sandman Debunked #1,153: Dating is Dangerous

Hi everyone, Today’s response is brought to you by P. T. Barnum followers.

But, seriously how do I even response to do this?

What if we could bring back Sandman from the past by driving Delorean à la “Back to the Future”.

Luckily, we don’t need to! We can just browse back to Sandman past video and hear what he has to say!

“… I often wonder how many have experienced a woman using a man’s love for her as a way to control him … this is very low and if a man is genuinely a good person, and he realizes a woman is doing this to him, it will make him question the very nature of his good feelings and emotions and his self esteem.  He will question his heart, his morality, and his character, I think that is the damage that causes the damage that causes the MONKS of MGTOW to go their own way.  Guys that avoid women completely … do it because of the memory of the pain caused by the emotional damage – caused by women.  … a man that has his heart damaged needs a lot of therapy to feel right about what happened to him in the past.  … Even the TFL founder … found a girl-friend … you could see a marked improvement in his mood.  He no longer acts like a MONK.

  … What I come across over and over again is that the celibate MGTOW’s have some kind of emotional traumas they don’t know how to deal with. They are unable to be around women or spend time with them because they have been hurt so badly and deeply in the past, they can never forgive what happened to them.  Some blame ALL WOMEN for the damage from just one or two of them. … that wound is almost impossible to heal.  Apparently the only way to deal with it is for some men to completely abstain … either that or stop being cowards, and move past their anger and their pain. … The way I got over my pain was not by pretending I was beyond women and that they were inferior, or petty, but instead I did the actual work talking out my problems, night after night, here on You Tube, and over timer my anger subsided.  But at the same time my hypervigilance remains, when interacting with women.  I am smart enough to recognize female nature and protect myself from it. 

What do you guys think about my theory about the HERMITS of MGTOW or the MONKS of MGTOW that shun all contact with women, because they were incredibly hurt by them while they were younger.  So instead of dealing with their emotional traumas and moving on, they often WALLOW IN THEIR OWN FILTH AND MISERY, instead of getting over it, and taking the next step forward in life.

Don’t be shy.  Share your comments below.”

What happen Sandman? Some girl forced you see see your inner self, and you realize that you are a blue pill man?

Did you get scared that someone may post your picture online, and many of us would be able to put two and two together that you the the Commander Data from Star Trek hiding as Sandman in Snowy Canada?

Oh before I forget!

Don’t forget to subscribe, send you precious money, and waste your valuable time.

Sandman Debunked #1,152: Dude Looks Like a Lady


Hi everyone, Today’s response is brought to you by P. T. Barnum followers.

Papa Sandman goes to a club, and instead of checking out girls like most normal guys would. He start checking out guys.

It seems the old man likes “his” man to be on the masculine side. I guess we don’t need to bother scratching our heading figuring out who is top and bottom. Mr. Sandman has already told us he is not into any man who looks like “Androgynous”.

If you think this is the first time he has commented about men appearance like teenage girl. Think again!


Above is a screenshot of his eight video commenting about men, and him being unhappy how other men look, wearing cloths, beard, and even questioning their masculinity.

MGTOW was created to shelter man who were against marriage, and who were told to “man up” whether it was a shamming tactic to trick man to get more money, or become more physically more fit.

All the men regardless of their race, religion, and even racial background were (and as far as I know still are) welcome.

But not according to Mr. Sandman.He think he is the leader, and co-founder of MGTOW community therefore he gets to write manifesto, and interpret as he see fit.

You know when I created this site, I thought I was gonna have hard time keep up with Sandman, and covering all of his 1,000 videos.

It seems like it’s going to be a cakewalk.

Good thing to since spring is around the corner, and I am looking forward of walking in the park in my pink shirt, and unshaven beard.

Come to think of it, I will also bring my cat fluffy so she can play with yarm as I knit sweater.

You see sandman, we are gonna hide under bed and suck our thumb every time anyone question our manhood, unlike you we have no such insecurities.

If our brother wants to do “girly thins” than it does not affect me in any way or shape. He is free to do what he please as long as it does not affect me. The fact you use such shaming tactics proofs that you are still under Matrix.

Sandman Debunked #1,151: Blue Pill Friends



Here Mr. Sandman remind us how much he is jealous of his dentist, because his doctor has a wife, and two daughters. While he has live on his own. What a lovely place that is. It came with everything, well of course minus the shower, who else but nasty immigrant wanna take shower?

Let’s see why you are jealous of your dentist.

You live in an office place where you had to install a portable shower. You are using your parents place as a mailing address. This technique is not only illegal, also create conflict with numerous issues such as car insurance etc.

After rambling like a total loon you inform us that you watch Opera (really since when grown birth canal?)

Tom Cruise jump on a sofa?

Really, what’s a big deal about that?

What are you talking about women having friends?

You can not even talk to two people without having a panic attack so how would you know how normal people socialize?

This is just a typical behavior of Mr. Sandman. Did some Pakistani girl hit you in the TTC when you were getting off at Lansdowne Station?


Jerry Interview Sandman

Sandman Debunked: #1,150: Oh Baby! – MGTOW


“This video is brought to you by a generous donation from Peter.”

Don’t you mean: today’s response is brought to you by P. T. Barnum followers.

When you say “generous” does it mean people are finally send you some money. Wow…

“He didn’t give me a specific topic so”

What did you expect from an idiot with room temperature I.Q

“so I’m going to discuss an article called “Babies made without mothers ‘will come sooner than we think”

Ooh, goodie! Thanks Papa I so excited I gonna drop my pants, and start shooting on a rocket!

As for you topic. I will simply point to an article “Artificial uterus: How close is the reality?

Second paragraph of the article pretty much summes it up:

“Not so fast — some critics say the debate is getting ahead of itself, that there is no need to even discuss artificial wombs yet for several reasons. The main one is that nobody is currently working to develop one, in part because we don’t understand enough about the placenta.”

“and also build on the ideas that Turd Flinging Monkey discussed in his video called Future Female Disposability which was a response to that article.”

How do you become known as “Turd Flinging Monkey”?

What you were walking in a Zoo and saw money throwing their excrement and said “hey that sound like a good idea? Hell, I will even called my self that because I want everyone to know that I am human ape who throw my shit on everyone!

This why I don’t believe you went to a Ryerson University (or any college for that matter). Any first year student knows how to research a topic.

If you had bother to do that you would know that artificial wombs are scientifically called ectogenesis, a term coined by J.B.S. Haldane in 1924.

Sandman of course get his knowledge out of his ass, or sniffing other men’s excrement, preferablly thrown at him.

Those of you who may not know an ectogenesis is very popular genre in Science Fiction movies & TV shows.

Let’s just recap: the entire fourteen minutes video is base on an faulty information Papa Sandman got from

Doesn’t it feel just nice knowing that you give your money to someone write an “insightful” article, and their source of entire research is based on a guy known as “Turd Flinging Monkey”.

A human being calling himself excrement throwing ape!.

I bet your mother appriciate knowing the type of words you have for her.

This topic might be old by the time you watch it but hopefully my insights can add something to this discussion.

C’mon admit it the only reason you can across this topic is because you were watching Science Fiction movies.

Ectogenesis is very popular genre in Science Fiction movies & TV shows.

Here are list of movies.

  1. Tomorros Child
  2. Surrogate
  3. Fringe
  4. Matrix

You did not add anything to the discussion. You are like that guy who goes to a clothing store with a friend ask him “does this jacket look good one me”, and his friend said “nah, it was beautiful before you put on, get one of those ugly jacket to compliment your nasty body”.

Putting aside the joke; how are you contributing anything? You have art degree, therefore you have no understanding of science, and considering your source of reference pretty disqualify you.

Another word you have just proven to everyone on your channel that you’re an illitrate.

So the article discusses how it’s possible to take a male skin cell and turn it into a female egg cell and then impregnate it with a sperm. The scientists at the University of Bath have successfully done this using the cells of male mice so it is technically feasible with humans but it hasn’t been done because of the ethics of mother-less babies. That’s fancy talk meaning the scientists are worried they will have their funding cut if they go too far if they challenge the gynocentric narrative in our society. Turd Flinging Monkey or TFM for short says that technology like this will make women more disposable than men in the future.

Hi everyone, Today’s response is brought to you by P. T. Barnum followers.


Apparently, murdering, raping, and good old enslaving other races is just too PC, and so 90s. Let’s shoot our dick and watch star (or in Sandman case buring fire, and boiling excrement).

Artificial wombs are scientifically called ectogenesis, a term coined by J.B.S. Haldane in 1924. Sandman would have known that of course if he bother to do any research.

Ectogenesis is very popular genre in Science Fiction movies & TV shows.

Here are list of movies.

  1. Tomorros Child
  2. Surrogate
  3. Fringe
  4. Matrix

This is how our Papa Sandman came across this subject. He was probably watching some movies in mommies basement while he was licking stucco wall.

Can you imagine the idiot who ended up paying him $20 dollar for writing this video? I mean he was probably going like WTF?

We guys can easily tell if fellow men is BSing about his knowledge about cars. I mean really convert comes with four cylinder? Yeah, buddy go back to riding a bicycle you fool.

You know what mean.

Same is true for computers, and science fiction movies.

Listen to his entire gripe and you’ll notice that everything he said is

But hey when logic and emotion collide. Emotion wins. Our Papa love to point fingers at women for making decision base on feeling, and superficial looks. Hypocritical delusional conservatives make every single decision base how they feel.

How many times we heard him saying “Oh liberals are bad because they hurt my conservatives feeling.”

One can go as far sa to say he entire gripe with women is that they don’t want to have sex with basement dwelling big lump of lard like him.

I mean does he really want us to believe that he love west side of Toronto, and has an office where he is sleeping, and filing for business expense every year (plus charging tax playing for his porn surfing as business research?), and get this building owners are okay with.

I know Canada is petty much like America that hasn’t melted. But c’mon are we really suppose to believe anything he said.

Bear with my rambling cause I going somewhere with this.

Artificial womb trend (the idea of it) become popular around  1980 with a movie called Tomorrow’s Child.

There were other scifi like Bruce Wills’ Surrogates.

But seriously guys this is why we gotta expose this fool.

There is ongoing res