Debunked: French-Canadian Women – MGTOW

Talk about jealousy. It must very hard for Sandman to get off on his moms underwear considering she is a beefy East-European, and reeks of ammonia.

Like his other insecurities. He is unhappy because in hard-time like global pandemic. Bilingual people are sought after by big corporation, companies, and even government. Beautiful French woman will finally be able to weather the economic storm thanks to by dual language skills, and education.

What can he possibly contribute to the employer? Endless pictures of female models while pretending to be “Going His On Way”.

How ironic his “main” job happen to be “photography”, and “wedding”, seem hangout with the very crowd he detest doesn’t he?

Debunked: Who Cares About Bella Thorne? – MGTOW

Mr. Putty in a Gutty asked a stupid question, and than vomited an idiotic answer.

Who cares about Bell Thorne? No body, just you. It would be like me asking anyone who doesn’t live in Australia if they are concern about Kangaroos roaming in their backyard! They won’t be, because it’s non issue for them.

It’s very creepy that Racist Sandman claims to be “Man Going His Own Way”, but in reality he is just following women where ever they are going. His pathetic logging for women would’ve been quite funny were it not for the fact he is turning into a creepy stalker.

Debunked: Single Mom Wants A Discount On Tattoos – MGTOW

Bankrupted parlor owner complains that “women” want a discount on Tattoos. 90% of the Tattoos customers are hard core men — like wanna be rock singers, “alpha men”, and other losers who are not going to to be working 9-5 jobs. So by default women are given discount just because they are such a small demograhic of this industry.

But hey leave on racist sandman to blame women wanting a discount, and insult immigrants, Jews, and Muslim for destroying western society.

Debunked: The Purpose of Marriage is Divorce LOL – MGTOW

Sandman’s mom must have been feeding him schadenfreude from Germany. Since when Divorce is funny. Family gone, children lost a stable environment — men working twice as hard to take care of kids, and trying to build a new family. MGTOW suppose to be about protecting men, not laughing at their misery, and make fun of their kids who are crying when their family is breaking apart.

What an evil person you are.

Debunked: Sleepovers Are Dangerous In Canada – MGTOW –

My oh my, Mr. lunatic says “Canada is a dangerous” Just this week he was supporting the very people who are making Canada the most dangerous country “The Rise Of Incel & Decline Of MGTOW”. He was supporing an extremly violent Men’s Right Group “Incel” who are shooting, and openly attacking women who are single, lesbian, or dating non-white!

It’s people like you who are making Canada the most dangerous country. Hapless Canadian will be happy when you leave their country go back to your mother land.

Debunked: How To Save The West? – MGTOW

Racist Sandman made another bigoted video “How to Save the West”. Meaning stopping non-white immigration, and preventing non-white becoming majority as Anglo have done to the native of North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

Left vs Right issue has nothing to do with “MGTOW”. Men’s Right & MGTOW “suppose” to be about helping men “regardless of their race”. Yet racist Canadian is displaying his true color. Mens Right, and MGTOW are not about helping men, but hiding behind another label to defend Nazi idealogy and white supremacism.

Debunked: Italy Is Tradcuck Country – MGTOW

Just when you though Mr. Racist couldn’t get any weirder he did. Social isolation must be getting to Canadian Alt-Right loon. Perhaps he can join his fellow racist like Janet Bloomfield. Italy has the oldest population of Europe, and the worst hit country after China. While people are still mourning their love one’s death. He decided to attack the entire nation because they are “cuck” meaning they are wearing a mask, and taking extra precaution!

Please call (660) 747-2272 Lindsay Transmission 1111 S Maguire St Warrensburg MO 64093; ask them if they are paying Sandman to bash dying European from pandemic!

Let’s stop this loser!

Debunked: Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze? – MGTOW


Sandman Addict 05.png

Mr. Unoriginal aka Sandman shares his weekend activities with the rest of us. He dropped hot coffee on his penis while sitting naked in front of a computer. Instead of an orgasm he ended up with blisters.

By the way this is 2019. Get a god damn laptop!

Oh yeah I forget..

You’re a loser!!!!!!!!

PS: Have you guys notice all of his weekend videos revolve around his crotch area.

Naturally,  title of the video, and content of the video are running on two different direction!

Could it be because he is copying & pasting title, and the content from other producers!

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Sandman Addict 03